Sunday, 12 June 2011


Morning all.
With all the media and the blog world going crazy at the moment, its amazing how supporters are getting more and more frustrated with the lack of news coming through from the club. I can sense the urgency coming from supporters, many I am sure are season ticket holders who are waiting for news of who they will be watching before paying their fee's. Well to all those that are waiting for that to happen, you will probably be wasting your time. Where the likes of the big money spenders The Manc Outfits and Chelsea and poor old Harry's outfit trying not to be left out, will be wheeling and dealing, our old Frenchmen will be taking his time, he won't rush as he never has done before, and i expect him to be exactly the same this time. He has disappeared to South America on a scouting Mission, while all the early running is being taken up by the wealthy owners.

As we all know there are only a relatively few players that are up for grabs and normally its smaller clubs selling some of their stars, so as to finance their coming season. Teams like West Ham have done this for years and will be involved again this year, bigger clubs will be buying and also thinning out their own squads to allow room for new hopefully better replacements. Now with new rules coming in, with fair play rules, teams will have to watch their spending, also try and reduce wages as well as this will eat up what money these clubs can use in the future, although these rules are not in yet, clubs are aware that the wages they are paying are exorbitant and will be detrimental to their future. Why i am explaining this to you is that Wenger has never been one of the managers that have had an owner that has unlimited wealth he has to run on a budget, and although this grates with supporters he has done extremely well, most though would disagree. 

Wenger has in my mind been a fantastic Manager yes some of you have heard me slate the man off on more than one occasion, and I am sure it won't be to long before I am at it again, but he has been frugal and disciplined in his actions, he knows that it won't be too long before the clubs debts are paid off, and with the new rules coming in the near future he realises that we will all be on the same level, well at least closer. If clubs cannot afford the likes of £50 million players, they are never going to be on the same level, so its as plain as the nose on your face that the chances of you competing goes down. Wenger has kept us competing, granted we have not won anything for a few years, but we were a lot closer last year than we have been for quite some time, was it Wenger's fault, I said yes because he never brought in the winter window I believed that was the difference to us winning or losing, but he didn't buy and we never won, but in all fairness, had the players kept up the momentum, we still could have captured something. The players run out of steam, Wenger lost his composure, and we got the hump.

In all fairness to Wenger he has not ever brought fantastic players he has moulded fantastic players. The likes of Henry  Pat Jack and Fab and a string of others tells me he is a man with forward thinking, he very rarely pays enormous amounts for players and I don't see that way changing, this year may prove me wrong, but I would be very surprised, he has a vision, and although it is not falling into place just yet, it will without question. Arsenal football club will be back in their rightful position very soon, and Wenger will again be hailed as a fantastic Manager. I know your frustrated as I am as well, but good times are just round the corner and as Wenger says, have faith and patience, and we will get what we deserve.

Wenger has acknowledged that we have a problem in the defence, why it has taken this long I don't know, but he has stated that he will buy to sort this problem out, at the moment he has signed two teenagers who play in these positions, I would expect another experienced defender to also be included, for the two youngsters to learn from, time will tell. We have young players either loaned in the past or playing reserve football who are ready for a move forward, and I expect this to happen, but what we have to take in, is that if we buy big name players, they would want to play every game, so our youth would stand about twiddling their thumbs and eventually move on. We have to stick with the plan and bring these players forward, and hope we have instilled in them what Arsenal football club expects from them, I also have faith in this way of doing things and expect returns very soon. We have many youngsters and they in my opinion are our future, learning their trade at one of the best clubs in the world starting on small wages building up through their training and eventually making them well paid superstars, isn't that how we all see apprenticeships  turning out.

Written by Steve Palmer   

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